According to phenomena observed during total solar eclipse , it can be pointed out that the velocity of gravitational field wave is equal to the velocity of light in vacuo 摘要据日全食时的现象能够得出:在真空中,引力波的传播速度和光波的传播速度相等。
Whether ifing you want to examine this kinds of magnetic field , can spend profit analytic method not sad not rich , calculate out and not last code organism and magnetic field wave form not standards of object ( for instance : liver , its code is d273 ) , store it in the resonance detector of quantum 要想测得这种磁场,可用富利哀解析法,将生物体及物体的标准磁场波形计算出并编成代码(如:肝脏,其代码是d273 ) ,储存于微量子共振检测仪中。
The relativistic random phase approximation ( rrpa ) is a relativistic extension of the random phase approximation for studying microscopically nuclear dynamical excitations and giant resonances . the consistency of rrpa calculations requires two aspects : first , it demands that the relativistic mean - field wave " function of nucleus and the particle - hole residual interactions in the rrpa are calculated in a same effective lagrangian . second , the consistent treatment of rrpa within rmf approximation requires the configurations including not only the pairs formed from the occupied fermi states and unoccupied stat es but also the pairs formed from the dirac states and occupied fermi states 自洽的相对论无规位相近似理论的自洽性要求有两方面的内容:第一,描述原子核的激发态性质和基态性质时必须从同一个有效的拉矢量出发;第二,相对论无规位相近似计算,不但要考虑正能的粒子-空穴组态的贡献,而且还要考虑从fermi海核子态到dirac海负能核子态形成的对激发的贡献。